Frugal Pages


Is for Men?

My wife has been a member at for almost two years now.  In that time she has earned hundreds of dollars in Swag and prizes.  This has been an IMMENSE help to our family budget - both on items we buy for special occassions, and for Christmas gifts we are picking up for our kids.

In fact, the Swagbucks she has earned there, helped us buy a laptop computer, Nintendo DS's for our kids, a whole pile of other goods at Amazon, and maybe some stuff I can't even remember.

Up until now, though, every household was only allowed to have one account.  And the Swagbucks owners are sticklers for keeping their members honest and trustworthy.  So, we didn't want to ruin the good thing we had going there.

However, in August this year, Christy told me that it was now possible to have separate accounts for multiple people in your household.  And so I joined the Swagbucks camp.
You can see here - that I joined on August 9th.

And within the last two months, I've been able to earn an extra $25 for our family.  And, I only use the Swagbucks service occasionally.  So, it's a perfect added money boost for our family.
While I know $25 isn't going to be enough to solve the problems of the entire world... it sure does help out with special gifts and items you might want to pick up for your family.

So, yes men... you can use Swagbucks even if you are working 40 or more hours per week.  Here are my top tips for earning extra swagbucks while working full-time.

How to earn Swagbucks while working Full-time

Real quick, I wanted to run through how I have been able to use Swagbucks to earn some extra money for our family, even though I only use it a few times during my day at work and a few minutes when I get home at night.

I always thought, you had to be using their web-service for hours and hours throughout the day to earn your bucks.  However, I quickly realized, that you can still earn little bits throughout your day.

Typically, I use search engines at work when I do research on potential new customers, when I am looking up  information about parts, or when I am looking up account information.  Instead of doing all my searches at Google, I now use the Swagbucks search.  It's a small, but effective change.

I use Chrome or Firefox as my favorite browsers at work.  And my corporate policy doesn't allow me to use the Swagbucks toolbar on Firefox, so I  installed the Chrome plug-in.  You can read more about this here.  Essentially, this allows me to just type my search term into the Chrome url address bar, and then it does the search in Swagbucks for me.

Why do this?

Instead of me remembering to go to the Swagbucks website, I can just type my thoughts as I go, and it is built into my work process.

Here are the top strategies I use to get Swag bucks during my work day: 

  • I do searches throughout my day - every time I would have done a normal Google search, instead I use Swagbucks.  In general, you will only get search wins 2-3 times per day, but it slowly builds up over time.  
  • Occasionally, I am able to get the extra Swag codes that they release during the day.  

On top of my work wins, I also build up my Swagbucks at night.  Here are the strategies I use at home.

  • I continue to search when I get home.  This may get me one more search win for the day.
  • I also try and fill out some of the surveys they have on their site.  These are pretty time intensive, so I only do them about once a week - if that.  However, if you do get a survey to pay out, it is usually for quite a few Swagbucks.  
  • In addition, my wife is a couponer, so we print out several coupons from my Swagbucks account, as well as hers.  When we use these coupons, at the grocery store, they will credit 10 bucks into my account.  
  • I always do what my wife calls 'Daily's'.  When you click the 'Earn' tab at the top of the Swagbucks home page, you will see these options:
    Daily Poll
    NOSO - and just skip through all the ads until you get the points at the end
    Special Offers - there are generally a few free things you can do here per day.  In general, I only watch the free videos that give me points.

On average, I am able to get about 20-50 Swagbucks per day.  This isn't a lot.  But every time you get 450 Swagbucks, it equals $5 on Amazon.  And you can purchase almost anything you can think of on Amazon.  This puts me a new $5 addition at Amazon every 10-15 days or so.  
Here is my list of winnings from August 9th through October 31st.  Of course, not everyone will get the same results, but you can see that I have done pretty well in the last two and a half months, adding extra gift-getting money to our account.

So, if you add up my small amount of Swag buck winnings, with the Swagbucks that Christy gathers throughout her day... we can end up with a fair amount of extra Amazon spending money at the end of the year.  And you can do exactly the same thing.

Believe me, in this tight economy, every little bit helps.


Saving Money on Meat - Zaycon Foods

Lately it seems like the deals for meat are getting few-and-far between. And the quality of the meat being offered on sale seems to be going down as well.

Recently, though, I found a company that offers great prices on high-quality meat and other produce.
It is a place called Zaycon Foods.

Why in the world would anyone want to order from an independent start-up company like Zaycon Foods?

  • First = Quality.
    They only sell products they would eat themselves.  High-quality, healthy food products.
  • Second = Price.
    Fresh, retail quality food product sold at wholesale prices.
  • Three = Service
    Easy-to-understand the entire process, from ordering, to reminders, to quick pick-up.

They are able to keep the prices low because they sell directly from the farmers, with no stores to maintain. They have what are called local 'events', where they offer certain types of individual meats or produce at each event.

So far I have purchased the Boneless skinless Chicken Breast (which is 100% natural, with no added hormones, additives, or artifical ingredients), and the 93% Extra-Lean Ground beef.  They have been excellent quality meats and I am very happy with the entire process. 

Granted, it is a bit different than driving down to your local grocery store and buying meat with the rest of your food.  But it really seems to be a great deal, and oh so worth it.

The process goes like this:

  1. First you go to the website, Zaycon Foods and sign up with your e-mail address. 
  2. Then go and select the area that you live in.  Once you have that set up, they can contact you when they have events in your area.  Each event offers a different type of product.  One event will feature chicken.  Another event will have produce - like apples, or pears, or peaches, or tomatoes, or blueberries. The next event might have bacon or hamburger.  It all depends on what is fresh and available at that time.       
  3. Next, when they plan to be in your area for an event, they will e-mail you details about that event.  This will include details on the food they will be offering and when you can sign up to purchase it. 
  4. From there, on order day, you can log on and purchase the amount of packages you want.  Zaycon offers bulk type of purchasing, not single servings of the products.  So, you'll have to be ready to package and use the case size of product when you pick it up.
  5. Once you have made your purchase, and then selected a location for pick up,  on the day that is assigned, you will go and pick up you meat or other product.
  6. Essentially, the pick-ups occur at various locations around your area.  You choose the location you want to pick up your product.
  7. There are signs directing you where to go.  There is someone standing there.  You confirm with them your name and quantity you've ordered.  You drive up to the truck and they put your order in your car for you.  You don't even have to get out.  
    Average pick-up time is under two minutes.  

The first time I placed an order was for the chicken.  When ordering, the chicken price was originally purchased at $1.69 a lb.  (By the way, that is a KILLER price for this quality of boneless, skinless meat).

However, a few days after I had purchased, they sent me an e-mail saying that the prices had been lowered to $1.49.  So,  they actually credited my account for the difference - AFTER I had already picked up the meat, without me doing anything.

How many retailers do you know who would do that!?
Not many - I dare say.

I was so impressed that they had gotten a lower price, and were passing the savings on to me, instead of keeping the extra profit. What a class act! That impressed me so much that I knew as soon as other things were offered in my area I would be making another purchase.

The only down side to it is that you have to purchase in large quantities.

The Chicken and ground Beef come in 40 lb cases.  And the Bacon comes in a 30lb case. They will not break them up.  So, you have to agree to purchase the entire case.  But at that price it is a deal!

Basically, it is essential that you have a bit of time once you get home to repackage it and freeze it for later use. But for me that is not a problem at all. If you do not have enough freezer space you could consider splitting the case with a friend or your family. That way you can still take part in the deal but have less to store.

They have events offered all over the U.S.!

So go sign up now so that you can get in on these great deals!
Currently they are having a Ground beef event in the local Florida area. You can order between today and Friday evening the 28th and pick up is on the 2nd of November. 

And as a side note for any of our local friends... I would be willing to pick up your order.

I purchase from the Tampa location. (I am hoping that they will come to Lakeland soon, but for now I will go to Tampa to get it.)  So, if would like to get some, but you are unable to get to the location to pick it up I would be willing to do it for you and drop it by your place!

Zaycon Foods also offers produce, but at this time I have not been able to purchase any. But when I do I will let you know what I think of it.


Grocery Savings

Here is what was on my grocery list this week and the breakdown of savings.
This is what I got during last weeks sales at Publix. I was able to work out a great deal with a new coupon that came out late in the week. So I went on ahead and got a few more things that I had been thinking about getting earlier in the week. The total for everything would have been $31.29 and after sales and coupons I paid $3.07.
This is what I got.
20- Cups Publix Yogurt. sale price .40 each. No additional coupons used.
6- Suave Mens Shampoo and conditioners $2.19 I used 3 manufactures coupons for buy one get one and 1 manufactures coupon for .50 off 2 and 2 Publix coupons for $3.00 off 3 mens care products. Bringing the total for all 5 bottles to .07!
2- 1 liter Coke on sale for .99 each. I used a manufactures coupons for buy one get one free making them .49 each
3- 20oz coke $1.59 I used  manufactures coupons for free coke making them all FREE!
I was able to use a competitor store coupon for $5.00 off a $25.00 or more purchase making my total out of pocket only $3.07.
That is a total saving of 91%! not bad for a last minute trip to the store.

And here is what was on my list for this week!
4- DiGiorno Cheese $4.79 BOGO I use manufactures coupons for $2.00 off 1 making the .39 each
4- Tropicana Lemonaids $1.99 BOGO no other coupons used making the .99 each
4- Smart Balance Milk half gallon $3.00 I used manufactures coupons for $1.50 off each making them $1.50 each. or $3.00 a gallon. And that here that is cheaper than the regular milk.
5- lbs pears Sale price of .88per/lb total for all $4.32
1- 4lb bag Oranges $2.99 no other coupons used.
4- bags Nestles candies $8.49 BOGO used manufactures coupons for $1.40 off each making them $2.84 each
2- Jennie-O Ground Turkey. on sale for $2.99 each
4- Cinnamon Toast Crunch Cereal $3.49 BOGO used manufactures coupons for $1.10 off 2 making them $1.19 each
1- Honey Nut Cheerio on sale for $1.99 used a manufactures coupons for .75 off making it $1.24
6- Skippy Peanut Butter on sale for $1.99 used manufactures coupons for .60 off 2 and Publix store coupons for $1.00 off each making them .65 each.
I broke all this up into 3 different transactions so that i could use the competitor store coupon of $5.00 off a $25.00 or more purchase taking an additional $15.00 off the total. So before sales and coupons all this would have cost $135.31 and after I only paid $31.99. For a total saving of 87%
 If you have any questions just ask. I would be happy to help you work it out and help you start saving for your family.


Saving money on new clothes!

Clothing our family on a budget has not always been an easy thing to do.
Thankfully, there are many strategies that can help make it more budget friendly. 

One of the ways came about unexpectedly... the mail! The other day I got a postcard in the mail from Kohls. Usually I do not shop at those department stores because I thought that they were too expensive. But boy has that perspective changed! With a bit of patience, and knowledge of working deals, you can really make a difference in your clothing budget.  Now it may not be the same for all department stores, but Kohls really has some great deals. On the postcard that I got it had a gift card for $10.00 off a $10.00 or more purchase.

Like this one.
Now when you read the fine print on the back of the card you will see that it says... 'can be combined with other discounts and offers'. So I also signed up for the Kohls e-mail list. And in doing that I get weekly e-mails from them.  Many times they have additional coupons that can be used. Some that I have gotten are...

  •  $10.00 of a $20.00 purchase
  • 15% off entire purchase. 
So they are a great way to stretch that $10.00 gift card that I got in the mail.

Another way to stretch it is to look in the clearance sections of the store. Kohls usually has a large clearance sections so there can be fantastic deals to be had!
Here is what I got last time I got a gift card in the mail and my receipt to show the discounts.

I was able to get a pair of shorts for myself that were on clearance for $3.00 and a pair of underwear for 3.20.  And a  biking shirt for my daughter for $5.60.  The total that I ended up paying for all of it was only $1.93!

With this purchase I did not end up using any other coupons or discounts, other than the clearance prices, but I have in the past.

The great thing is that they keep sending me more! I thought that once I used the first one I would not get any more but that is not the case at all. I have no guarantee that they will continue to come but I will happily use the them for as long as I do.

I have been able to get several things for free and super cheap because of those cards. I have gotten 2 pairs of shorts, 2 underwear and a shirt for myself. 3 shirts for my daughters and a pair of convertible pants for my husband. We also got a super deal on a coat for my daughter that we will be giving her for Christmas.  For all of it my out of pocket has been well under $20.00.  Each time that I go, with the gift card in hand, I am never sure what I will get. But by looking over the clearance racks I can always come up with something that is needed.
I know that by only spending close to that $10.00 mark each time means that I can not get a completely new wardrobe for all of us. Or for that matter for one of us but  I can get us things that we all like and that can replace some more worn out pieces that are in our closets. Or be able to better afford the needed ones, like the biking shirt for my daughter!

So, go sign up for department stores mailing lists and e-mail lists. Read the fine print on all of the offers to see how, or if they can be combined and you never know what deals might come your way because of it!


Swagbucks - the Swag Buck Basics

Even if  you are filthy rich, you must be aware of the extreme methods Americans are using to save money right now.  Honestly, I have never seen anything like the current economic conditions, before, in my lifetime.  I do know that the Depression (of the 30's) was probably a very similar situation, but most of the people in the U.S. were too young to have ever experienced that.

Great Depression: man dressed in worn coat lyi...Image via Wikipedia
Our family is not immune to these circumstances, and we have implemented some pretty drastic measures in our food budget, our travel expenses, and in our recreation habits, to reduce costs.  Making these changes has had AMAZING results on our emotional well-being during all of this hardship.  Although I can't say that the world is warm and fuzzy for us right now, at least we have developed some tools to help keep costs lower.

Additionally, we found an added source of online earnings which we have been exploring for over a year now. This is not something that I would call extra income.  However, I would say it is a strategy that brings in added money for expenses you might not have afforded before.  If someone in your family isn't working, or finds themselves at home with internet access, this is an excellent boost for extra spending.  And, in fact, I have recently started using it at work as well.

What is this additional source of money I'm talking about?

It is an online service called

Ok, Chris ...
What is Swagbucks?

Swagbucks is a search engine tool.  Just like, or, or

However, unlike a typical search engine, you can also earn bucks for using the different tools at

How to earn swagbucks?
The most basic part of Swagbucks is to use it as a search engine ... you search and you earn.  The more searches you do, the more bucks you can earn.  Additionally, you'll get 30 swagbucks just for starting up a new account.
Here's a sample search from their search engine.
When you do searches at, some of your searches earn you points.

Basically, they want you to do natural searches, like you would normally do on other sites. These points are called Swagbucks. Searching is essentially how you earn your Swagbucks points when you are first starting out. You can get banned for several hours, if you just keep searching, and searching, and searching, without actually visiting the sites you are searching. (I don't suggest this)  Instead, just use it to do normal searches whenever you might search something at home or work.

However there are many other ways for you to earn Swagbucks, as well.
  1. They also have Swagbucks Swag Codes.
    These are codes that they release throughout the day. When you find these Swag Codes, by following and hunting down clues, you can plug them in at and earn extra points.

    Typically there about 2-5 extra Swag Code hunts per day. You have to keep your eyes peeled for these, because they are like a treasure hunt giving you extra spending power everytime you find one.

  2. Additionally, if you ever buy or order sample products online, you may be able to earn extra Swagbucks for buying online. Up to now, I have not made any purchases through Swagbucks like this, but many people make their purchases this way, so they can earn those extra points.

  3. Printing and using coupons for different products, at local grocery stores.
    One strategy I use all the time, is printing out coupons on the Swagbucks site, and then redeeming them during my grocery shopping trips.  Those coupons eventually make it back to the Swag site, where I get bucks for each coupon I use.

  4. Also, you can earn swag bucks by using these features as well:
    Swagbucks TV - swag tv once in a while, Swag t.v is time consuming for very little bucks.
    Daily deals - I have used the daily deals a couple of times, To get the groupon and Living social deals that I bought. 
    Daily polls - daily polls is one I do every day, for one swag buck each day!
    Special offers - Special offers I only ever do the free ones
    Tasks - little jobs or projects you can sometimes qualify to do in order to earn some extra bucks.  

My Swagbucks Strategy:
I suggest using Swagbucks to search those sites you visit often -

  • Facebook 
  • Your email accounts 
  • The Speer Family blog 
  • Twitter (if you like that) 
  • Maybe Youtube. 
Just use this engine to find those sites, instead of going straight to them. For example, in the morning, I usually search my favorite sites until I get points. This is usually about 3-5 searches. Then, you can do the same in the evening. Of course, you can do more searches throughout your day - but this strategy makes it more reasonable for those with normal lives and jobs.  During the day, at work, I will use the search tool to look for zip codes, products, or customer locations I am working with at the time.

What exactly are swagbucks?
Over time, you earn 'bucks' for doing all of these different activities at Swagbucks.  These bucks can be traded in for actual prizes and gifts offered on the site.

Swagbucks prizes:
Over time you will earn more and more swag bucks. When you collect enough of them, you will be able to use them to trade in for high-quality gifts and prizes. This is why I call it 'extra earnings', and not income. In a way, it is extra money you are making. But the money comes via gift cards, gifts, or digital payments which you can then use to get what you want.

Last year, we used our points to pile up $5 Amazon gift cards.  We used the gift cards to buy things on Amazon, during their super low priced Christmas gift sales.  You can use these money cards for anything, though, including Christmas gifts, birthdays, special events, or for everyday purchase items.

For example, you can see in this photo that I have saved up 344 bucks towards my next prize. Currently, the $5 gift card takes about 450 swag bucks.
You can get a maximum of 5 - $5 Amazon gift cards per month.
I was able to get all 5 this month, plus I'm still collecting points.

Here are some other Swagbucks Prizes you can get:
As you can see ... there are LOTS of options.
  • Starbucks gift cards
  • Southwest Airlines gift cards
  • Paypal money deposits
  • Apple (store) gift cards
  • Target gift cards
  • iTunes store gift cards
  • Barnes & Noble
  • Lowes
  • Nintendo
  • REI
  • Bass Pro Shops

** ONE Super Important Note **
When we originally started with Swagbucks, they only allowed one account per household.
If you had more than one account, they would deactivate your account, and you would lose all the points you'd earned. As of this writing, Swagbucks is now allowing one account per person.  This means you can have more than one account per household.  
We opened our second account this month.  So far, both accounts are still open and active, and collecting bucks.  If this changes - I will re-post an update for you RIGHT HERE. 

Finally, I wanted to show you my proof, because many of my friends are asking ...
Does Swagbucks work?

Obviously we all are going to have different results, because no person will have exactly the same searching, buying, and time strategies. But, since I joined Swagbucks in January of last year, I earned well over $150 Amazon gift card dollars that Al and I used for Christmas gifts for the girls. Plus, we used some of our earnings from earlier this year, to help lower the cost on a laptop computer.

If you are at all interested in joining Swagbucks, and you have any questions, I'll be glad to talk with you about it. You can email me at Chris {at} ScrapbookRadio {dot} com.

Talk soon!
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Save Money at Disney - One Tip on Drink Savings

Do you ever feel like most of the places you travel to are money sucking pits?
You know …
You walk down the street in Las Vegas and money magically disappears from your wallet. No, it isn’t pick-pocketed, it’s just gone because you …
  • Rode a taxi  
  • Walked into a casino 
  • Ate a meal 
  • Needed a drink of water 
  • Had to go to the bathroom 
  • Went to see a show
Do you know what I mean? These places are designed to suck money right out of your pocket.
Likewise … many theme parks feel the same way. (For example... Disney) You go to the park hoping to have a fun family outing, only to discover that a single meal for your family is going to run you $50. And if you stay there the entire day, how many meals will you plan on eating that day?

OUCH! It gets spendy … quick!

Now, I know that these exciting trips are few and far between, so it’s vitally important that you enjoy them, and your family has a great time as well. That’s the point of going on a trip like that, to have a great time together. And when you’re blowing your money, like it’s the water you’re drinking, it can be hard to have a good time.

So we came up with a strategy to help you save some money on drinks whenever you visit one of these theme parks. Not because it isn’t worth buying their food, and not because your family doesn’t need the food. On the contrary … if you use this cost-saving strategy you might be able to afford more of the ‘take home’ memorabilia options, rather than use all your money on drinks. This is particularly important in Florida, which is one of the hottest vacation spots in the U.S.  Here, temperatures hover from 90-100 degrees for 6 months out of the year. If you travel in Florida, you MUST drink and stay hydrated. There’s no other way around it.

Here’s how this works:
First - you can do this 2 ways:
Propel flavored water
1. You can buy a couple of bottles of Propel flavored water at any local grocery store
 (this is a drink company owned by Gatorade (TM)) . 
(To be fair, this isn’t like having an icy cold soda to quench your thirst, but it does give you a tasty drink that you can share, as a family, to start your day. And it’s pretty healthy too.) 
2. You can just use your own recycled water bottles and carry them with you, to fill up at your theme park’s water fountains throughout the day.
Unfortunately, depending on where you are in the country, the water flavor can vary greatly. You can go from sparkling cold refreshment … to a sandy, gritty pond scum taste based on where you might be vacationing. We lovingly refer to the tap water in Florida as 'swamp water'. Because that’s about what it tastes like. Water is great to drink when you need it … and this tip alone will save you money. But here’s where this tip gets even better …
Second -
Propel water mix powder packs
The same company (Propel, owned by Gatorade) has also created little individual drink powder packets. These packets come in multiple flavors, like berry, raspberry lemonade, and grape that kids (and adults) love to drink. The packets end up being the perfect size for adding to a 20 oz. bottle of water (which you already brought with you in step 1).

You simply fill up your water bottle with water when it’s empty, and add 1 packet of flavoring to the bottle for a tasty, refreshing drink that didn’t cost an arm and a leg to get.
By spending a couple bucks on a package of these drink packets, you can save yourself $10 or more, depending on how much soda, and other drinks, you might have purchased throughout your day. That’s a simple, but powerful, saving technique you should use the next time you go to any overpriced theme park.

And here’s our bonus tip … We typically buy the bottles of Propel in Step 1, and then we freeze the bottles overnight (lay them on their side in the freezer so they can expand properly). This way the drinks are ice cold just when you need them, after you’ve been walking around the park for an hour or two.
Ahh …
Refreshing! And cheap too.

Another bonus tip... ANY food restaurant in Disney will give you a free cup of ice water if you ask.  Just in case you run out of water later in the day.   Ice water, in the warm Florida heat, is a definite life saver.  Of course they do have drinking fountains at different locations throughout the park.  But, if you come to Florida in the Summer, I can guarantee you will be SO thankful that you read about getting ice water. 

Hope this helps you save, and enjoy your trip even more!


Save money on gas at the grocery store!

So I know that you may be thinking that I am crazy. Or maybe even that the title of this post is a typo. But it is not, you can save money on your monthly gas budget at the grocery store. This week Publix had a coupon in the weekly ad that was for a $10.00 savings on a $50.00 Gas card, with a $25.00 grocery purchase. When they have these coupons I like to make the most of them and get as many as I can. For the last several months now that is how we have been paying for our gas. And I love the feeling of getting a savings on something that is not always so easy to get savings on.
To make the most of the coupons that I had and were offered in the weekly ad I split my purchases into 3 different purchases. For ease I will add it all together here. the Total before sales and coupons for everything that I got this week would have been $369.83. And after sales and coupons I paid $117.14. That is a total savings of 69%! And Included in that total was $150.00 worth of gas gift cards!
Here is a photo and the breakdown...

The first purchase...
6- Sundown Vitamins $2.99 each I used a store coupon for $6.00 off 2 and manufactures coupons for $1.00 off each making them FREE with a total OVERAGE of $6.06!
6- Kraft Dressings $3.19 BOGO I used Target store coupons for Buy 2 get 1 free and $1.00 off 2 I also used manufactures coupons for $1.00 off 2 making them FREE with a total OVERAGE of  $1.81!
 4- Muellers Pasta $1.53 BOGO I used manufactures coupons for $1.00 each making them FREE with a total OVERAGE of .96 cents!
1- $50.00 Gas Gift Card I used the Publix store coupon for $10.00 off making it $40.00
I was also able to use a Store coupon that was from last weeks Sunday paper for $5.00 off a purchase of $30.00 or more.
So the total for the first Purchase was only $26.19!

The second Purchase...
6- Sundown Vitamins $2.99 I used store coupons for $6.00 off 2 and Manufactures coupons for $1.00 off each making them FREE with a total OVERAGE of $6.06!
4- BeechNut baby foods $2.00 BOGO I used manufactures coupons for $1.00 off each making them FREE!
2-Reynolds Wrap Foil $4.29 BOGO I used manufactures coupons for $1.00 off each making them $1.15 each
4- Lawrys Marinades. $2.89 BOGO Used manufactures coupons for $1.00 off each making them .44 each
4- Lays chips $3.99 BOGO I used 2 manufactures coupons for a free bag making them all FREE!
1- $50.00 gas gift card I used the Publix store coupon for $10.00 off making it $40.00
Again with this purchase I was able to use the $5.00 off  $30.00 purchase from the paper making total $33.32 for this purchase!

The 3rd purchase...
4- Aunt Jamima Waffles $2.39 BOGO I used manufactures coupons for $1.00 off each making them .19 each
4- Quaker Granola bars $2.99 BOGO I used Target store coupons for $1.00 off 2 making them $.99 each
4- Goldfish crackers. $1.00 I used manufactures coupons for .55 off each making the .45 each
2- 1/2 Gallons Milk $2.69 I used a store coupon for $1.00 off 1 and manufactures coupons for $1.50 off each making them .69 each
2- Kraft Shredded Cheese $2.00 I used a Target store coupon for $1.50 off 2 and a Manufactures coupon for $1.00 off 2 making them .75 each
1- lb package Ground beef $3.11 I used a Winn Dixie store coupon for $2.00 off beef making it $1.11
4- Bushes Baked beans $2.29 BOGO I used a manufactures coupons for $1.00 off 4 making them .89 each
2- Natures Own Bread $2.69 BOGO No coupons used making them $1.14 each
1- 5lb bag Potatoes $2.99 No coupons used making them $2.99
2- Delmonte Pineapples $2.00 I used a manufactures coupon for $1.25 off 2 making them $1.37 each
1- Avocado $1.50 No coupons used making it $1.50
2- 2liters Pepsi $1.89 BOGO I used a manufactures coupon for $1.00 off 1 making them .44 each
6- Sundown Vitamins $2.99 each I used a store coupon for $6.00 off 2 and a manufactures coupon for $1.00 off each making them FREE with a total OVERAGE of $6.06!
2- Gallon Publix Sweet Tea $2.59 BOGO no coupons used making them $1.29 each
2- Rubbermaid water containers $1.89 each I used manufactures coupons for $1.00 off each making the .89 each
2- Rubbermaid water containers $1.59 each I used manufactures coupons for $1.00 off each making them .59 each
1- $50.00 Gas Gift Card I used the store coupon for $10.00 off making it $40.00
Again I was able to use the $5.00 off $30.00 purchase making the total for this purchase $ 58.75!
So this is how you can get savings on your gas at the grocery store. These type of coupons don't always come out but when they do it is best to take advantage of them the best that you can. Make sure and split your purchases up so that you can get more than one gift card. And remember that the total has to reach the minimum amount BEFORE other coupons! So for both the gas coupon, $10.00 off a $50.00 gift card with a $25.00 grocery purchase and the coupon from the paper, $5.00 off $30.00 purchase, The total was before any other coupons and comes off first. That is the beauty of these coupons and how you can get the most out of your grocery budget.


Commuting by Bike - The basics of bike commuting

I want to talk to you a little bit about bike commuting.  It's something I've been doing for about 7 or 8 years, maybe longer.  Based on a 2007 American Community Survey from the U.S. Census Bureau, about 5% of the U.S. population rides their bike to work at some time or another.  So, I wanted to take some time and share some tips and ideas I've learned, that will help you be successful at it.  If it's something you decide to use to help save money for your family. 

Why would you want to bike commute?
    A steady stream of bikes heads home. 5:30pm, Q...Image via Wikipedia
  • You can drop down to a one car family
    This will save you a ton of money in car payments, insurance, and repair and maintenance costs.
  • You can reduce wear and tear to your car when  you don't drive to work.  I typically ride to work and leave the car for Chris to use for anything she needs.  Of course, your spouse can ALWAYS come see you during the day, if either of you need a break.
  • Save on commuting gas costs
  • Build exercise into your lifestyle. 
     - Every day that I ride, I am meeting the federal recommendations for activity for that day.  It's not that I live my life according to their input.  But this should give  you some indication of what bike commuting can do for your health. 
      - Plus, it just feels good for your emotions.  It's a great way to kick-start your day.  And, it also helps you unwind properly at the end of a long, or stressful, day at work.  If you need to vent some frustrations, this is an excellent opportunity to do it.
      - And, instead of adding an extra activity (going to the gym) into an already hectic day, you won't have to cut out any time from your schedule to get great exercise.
  • You can make it work in hot, southern climates and also northern colder environments.
 Important bike commuting considerations:
  • Do you have a good bike that  you can use for your commute. 
    If possible, select a high-quality bike that will make your ride enjoyable and comfortable. 
     - Many people purchase the cheapest bike they can get, from Wally's World or Target.  These bikes will work, but they aren't built to provide you with lightweight, consistent performance.
      - They are generally heavier, not properly tuned, and break down faster than a high quality ride.  If you aren't able to properly tune one of these bikes yourself - derailleurs, hand gears, brakes, and rims, then this probably isn't a great bike for you to commute on.
    My best advice - buy a used bike from a bike store employee who has used and maintained the bike as long as they've owned it.  That bike will probably last you for the next 10 years or more. 
    I've owned my Gary Fisher over 15 years, and the freaking thing just keeps running.  Buy quality when you buy a bike.  It's not easy - but if you really want to successfully commute, you gotta do it.
  • The second key - you want to have a plan for storing your bike once you get to work.  
     - Do they have outdoor bike locks you can lock up to?  Can you bring your bike inside and keep it at your desk or in your office?  Does your employer have a spare room, or storage spot, where you can keep your bike?  Or is it safe just to leave the bike outside. 
      - For me, currently, our office is in a quiet industrial area, so I don't really have a need to lock it up.  In Oregon, it was a busy office building, so I was able to bring my bike inside the office and kept it in a storage room inside the building.  
  • How long will your trip take?  And how far is the ride?
    Here are my personal recommendations about riding:
     - I suggest a maximum of 1 hour ride time, which equals about 15-20 miles.   While some riders average well over 20 miles per hour, most of us aren't Olympiads, nor will we ever ride the Tour de France.  So we have to live with practical commuting times.
     - You should expect your bike ride to be about twice a car commute.  If you would normally drive for 10 minutes, your ride would be about 20 minutes.  Although cars drive faster, the lights, signs, and other
    the traffic congestion cause you to drive much slower than the speed limits.  Obviously, lots of highway time at 50-60 mph will cause your ride to be way slower than your drive. 
     - Another option is to do a partial commute.  You could drive a vehicle to a park and ride, or ride your bike and take public transport for part of the trip. 
  • Road conditions and safety
    The most important advice I can offer in this regards, is to take a test ride of your entire route.  Know what conditions you will face when you ride, and know how you can get to your destination safely.  If you can't, then you'll probably have to try a different commuting option.
  • Cleaning up before work
    A couple of suggestions on getting cleaned up and smelling nice before work.
     - Always give yourself at least 15 minutes of cool-down time.  If you can have some kind of personal fan, this is even better. 
     - If your company offers a shower, then definitely use it.
     - Alcohol wipes -
    The alcohol acts as a coolant as it evaporates on your skin, and the wipes will help you clean up - in case you get a bit 'ripe' from the ride.

     - Another options, instead of alcohol wipes is to bring wash cloths from home.  You can use one per day, and take it home with you to clean it. 
     - Additionally, I have about eight sets of work clothes that I keep at my office.  I can wear them once or twice before I have to clean them

Bike Commuting Essentials:
    • Safety clothes and gear
       - Helmet -
      Although they can be hot and uncomfortable, ALWAYS wear one.  You never know when an unexpected crash could occur.  My worst commuting accident, occurred about 18 months ago.  The helmet I was wearing had large gashes along the side.  If I wasn't wearing the helmet, that would have been my head and a potential concussion, or maybe worse?

       - Bright clothes -
      It is always a good idea to bright colored shirts and reflective vests or jackets.  You want to be as visible as possible when you are on the road.  Most drivers pay very little attention to what is happening around them, so the more chances you give yourself to be seen - the better. 

       - Comfortable clothes -
      In addition to brightly colored and reflective clothing, I prefer padded and fitted biking clothes.  For long term commuting and riding, padded shorts are essential.  And the seams on bike gear aren't in all the wrong places, so you don't get rubbing and wear issues like you would with normal clothing.  (Bulky seams right up your crotch, while riding, don't feel good after a mile or two - just in case you were wondering?)

       - Rain / cold weather gear  -
      For cold or rainy weather, you want to look into getting a brightly colored rain-jacket.  You might also want to get some long gloves.  Standard biking gloves don't usually have fingers on them.  They are fine for warmer weather.  But if it gets cold, you want to have full-fingered gloves for your ride.  Even in Florida, I have to wear full gloves at times.

       - Glasses -
      I suggest wearing glasses for safety when you ride.  Sunglasses or normal, everyday wear can work.  The best choice is a large lens that covers as much of your eye as possible.  In Oregon, I got a piece of metal stuck in my eye during my morning ride, and I had to go in to a clinic to have it removed when it started hurting later that day.   

       - Flashing / solid lightsYou should definitely install lights onto your bike.  At the minimum, you should have a flashing light on the back of your bike.  This allows you to be seen by cars coming up behind you.  And since, as a cyclist, you will biking with the flow of traffic you want the drivers to see you ahead of them. 
      You should also think about getting a headlight as well.  For you, the headlight will only really be helpful in lower light conditions at dusk or at night.  But - you never know when you might be stuck out past dark on your bike.  So, it's a good idea to have some form of light to guide you. 
      Additionally, the light on the front of the bike helps cars see you coming towards them.  This is especially important, for cross-roads and streets.  MANY bike accidents  

  • Carrying your gear
    It is preferential for you to have panniers, rather than a backpack.  The backpack will make you hotter, and will move all over as you ride.  You will constantly be shifting and adjusting it to make yourself more comfortable.  In the long run, a backpack will make your commute less enjoyable.
    The panniers, mounted on your bike, can carry a lot more supplies, all of which you can use at work or to maintain your ride.  It will easily carry things like work clothes for the day, your small lunch, tools, and drinks to keep you hydrated. 
    The rear rack and panniers can carry about 50 pounds of total weight.  So, you could have about 25 pounds for each bag, per side. You can even ride with only one side pannier.  In fact that is how I normally ride.  You don't want to overfill one side, and make your ride lopsided.  So, if you have a lot of weight,  you should plan on having bags on both sides and splitting up the weight evenly. 

  • Commuting tips
    Always plan on arriving early - at least 15 minutes for a proper cool down. 
    A couple minutes (about 5-10 minutes) for cleaning up and getting dressed.
    Radial fan for help cooling off during your cool down.
    Shower if possible, or wash clothes and wipes for your clean up.
    Drive 1 or 2 days per week to make carrying clothes, food, drinks, or other essential heavy items easier to deal with.
My typical bike commute:
  • Normal time is about 20-25 minutes for a 5 mile ride at a fairly slow pace.    25-30 minutes for a 7-8 mile ride.
  • Cleaning strategy in Florida
    15 minute cool off, with fan.
    5 minutes to clean up with wash cloth and wipes. 
    And then getting dressed in work clothes that I leave in the office, and bring home for cleaning about every 2 weeks.  Currently, I have about 7-8 pairs of work clothing that I keep at the office. 

Here are Five safety rules I totally agree with, as posted at
  1. Always wear a helmet.
  2. Follow the rules of the road. Don't ignore traffic lights and stop signs.
  3. Practice defensive riding. Be aware of vehicles around you at all times. Always assume that drivers do not see you and will not yield.
  4. Make eye contact with drivers. Once you establish eye-to-eye contact, motorists will be more aware of you.
  5. Make animated hand signals when turning. Big, broad gestures are hard to miss.

Finally - one last tip for the road. 
This one could come in handy for anyone who has trouble getting comfortable riding your bike.

Raise your seat. 
No ... Seriously. Raise your seat.

Do you remember when you were a kid, and you could ride those short, BMX bikes?  Well, when you ride a small bike like that, your legs rarely leave a 90-degree right angle when you pedal.  This is NOT how you are supposed to ride your bike, especially for long-distance rides, or for commuting.   On your down stroke, when your foot is at the bottom of your stroke, your leg should be almost fully extending, with only a slight bend in your knee.  So, if you ever see someone riding along the highway, with their knees bouncing off of their chest as they pedal, that's dumb.  Don't you ride like that.  

This one change could revolutionize your riding experience.
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Great grocery savings this week!

It seems like it has been a few weeks since I have had a really good savings week but this week was awesome! It was just great. And I have seen a sneak peek of next weeks sales and I think it will be good as well.
One of  the things that helped make it a good week was a Winn Dixie coupon for $5.00 off $30.00 or more purchase that I was able to use at Publix. I love that!! So because of that coupon I split my purchases into 2 different transactions. Then on Sunday there was another great surprise, There was a Publix coupon for $5.00 off $30.00 or more on the front of the Sunday Tampa newspaper!! Score! And because I get multiple copy of the paper I have a few to use and they are good until the Forth of July! So I can use them for the upcoming sales week as well! I also did 2 other transactions as well. So I will give a total savings for this week! Before sales and coupons my total, for all 4 transactions, would have been $221.67. And after sales and coupons I paid $4.76!! That is a total saving of 98%!! AWESOME!
Here are the first 2 transactions...

  • 18- Great Grains Cereal!! This is Kaits Favorite cereal and I was able to get a great deal so I had to hook her up! They were $4.39 BOGO and I used manufactures coupons for $1.00 off each making them $1.19 each
  • 12- Sundown Vitamins $2.99 each I used Publix Store coupons for $6.00 off 2 and Manufactures    coupons for $1.00 off each making a total OVERAGE of $12.12! 
  • 4- Power aid drinks $1.25 BOGO I used a manufactures coupons for BOGO making them all FREE! 
  • 4- 2 Liter Cokes $1.89 each Buy 2 get 1 Free I used 2 manufactures coupons for BOGO making them .47    each.
Because I split this into 2 transactions I was able to use 2 Winn Dixie coupons for $5.00 off $30.00 or more. Now remember the $30.00 is counted BEFORE all other coupons. So the $5.00 comes off first then all other coupons! That is the beauty of these coupons!

And here are the other 2 transactions that I did...

  • 4- Pepsi and Mtn. Dew 12 packs. $3.66 each Buy 3 get one Free. I use manufactures coupons for $1.00/2 12 packs. $2.24 each
  • 12- Vitamins $2.99 each I used a Publix store coupons for $6.00 off 2 and manufactures coupons for $1.00 off each making a total OVERAGE of $12.12!
  • 2- Great Grains Cereals $4.39 BOGO I used Manufactures coupons for $1.00 off each and store coupons for .75 off each Making them .44 each Sadly I only had 2 manufactures coupons left or I would have gotten more.
  • 2- 5 lb Dixie Crystals Sugars $2.99 each I used a Store coupon for .55 off each making them $2.44 each
  • 6- Pioneer Gravy Mixes .99 and 1.19 each I used a Store coupon for .55 off 2 making them .71 and .91
  • 4- Rosetto Raviolis $3.99 each BOGO I used manufactures coupons for $1.50 off 2 making them $1.24 each. These are great for easy quick meals!
  • 1- Jello Temptations $2.89 I used a manufactures coupon for one free making it FREE!

And here is a photo of my Sunday Morning Suprise!!

I know that it does not seem like much to make healthy family meals with but this is the best way to stretch you grocery budget by taking advantage of what is on sale and stocking up when it is at the Rock bottom price. I have plenty of things that will keep us going for healthy meals and snacks from previous weeks sales. I also have started using local produce stands, and even local farmers that sell on the side of the road, To get fresh produce. This helped a ton because the sale at the grocery store for produce have been terrible and not the prices that I am willing to pay. SO this has been a great help for that! I will write more on this another time.
If you have any questions please just ask and I will be happy to help out!



Nintendo DS Decals You Can Make at Home

Throughout 2010, Christy collected about $175 of Amazon gift cards with her membership at Swagbucks. By using those gift cards, paired up with some KILLER Amazon Christmas deals, we were able to get each of our girls a Nintendo DSi XL for Christmas. Basically, we ended up paying about $90 out-of-pocket, for both systems. What an AMAZING deal!  And it made for some awesome savings for us.

Logo of the Nintendo DS handheld video game sy...Image via Wikipedia
Because of the deal, we bought the exact same colored game system for each of them. So both systems looked exactly the same.  When they were able to pick themselves up off of the floor, that Christmas morning, they decided they wanted to customize each game to make them each look unique.  They didn't want them both to look the same, but to reflect their own personality's on each. 

Instead of going out and buying regular, store-brand DSI skins, Christy came up with an idea for the girls to create their own custom Nintendo DSi Decals.

Christy used to be an avid scrapbooker, back in the hay-days of scrapbooking. Throughout those years, she had built-up quite a collection of rub-ons.  Essentially, a rub-on is a product very much like a sticker.  You can rub them onto almost any surface, and it will stick like a sticker.  They are almost like temporary tattoos.   'Rub-ons', as they are called, can be found in scrapbooking stores, and to people in the paper crafting market.  The part of  using rub-ons, is that you are able to mix-and-match unique designs and patterns together in order to create your own custom look for your DSI console.

How to Create Your Own Custom Nintendo DSI Decals
You'll need to have a steady hand, and a little bit of creative inspiration, to create some really cool designs for your DSi system.  Here you can take a look at the process we used, and see what the girls came up with when  putting the rub-ons on their games.

  1. First of all, you start with your basic game system console. Ours were both the same color, so they wanted to do something that would make each one a unique look
  2. Second, Christy pulled out her HUGE collection of rub-ons, and each of the girls went through all of them.  They were looking for that perfect design, so they could get the exact look they each wanted.
    This is not an easy decision, by any stretch of the imagination.
  3. Here you can see Chris and Kait painstakingly pouring over each rub-on to get that perfect look.
  4. After you have chosen the perfect rub-on images, you'll want to carefully pre-plan the design layout onto your game console BEFORE you rub them on.
    **Important note**
    Don't accidentally push down or press the rub-on designs until you have chosen exactly where you want them. Rub-ons are notoriously sticky, and have been known to come off and stick to surfaces even before you want them to.
  5. After you have carefully chosen the layout for your designs, precisely how you want them, go ahead and thoroughly rub the designs onto your game console. You want to do each rub-on piece separately.  You should build up your custom DSi decal, one piece at a time, as you go along.
  6. Once you have rubbed on each piece of your design, onto your game, you can admire your creative inspiration.  And you can be happy knowing you have designed a one-of-a-kind, custom Nintendo DS decal.
In the picture above... each of the flowers is a separate rub-on, and
the swirly shapes are different rub-ons as well.

Here's a quick follow-up comment on using rub-ons for your DS game consoles:

It is now June, and the girls use their Nintendo DS consoles almost every day.  They both still have each of their designs on their consoles.  Admittedly, the designs are getting quite tattered and rough looking.  But, here is the cool thing... at any time, they could re-do either of their designs.  So, unlike adding paint or messy stickers, they can change their custom DS look whenever they want to create a completely new look.

If your kids want a way to customize their Nintendo DS games, this is a great way to get them their own Nintendo DS decals.
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Benefits of Membership - Reciprocal membership at zoo's, museums, and parks

RetirementImage via WikipediaOne of the things I hate most about financial planners, right now, is that they are happy to give you advice to sit on your butt, for a big payoff later.   Of course, they don't come right out and say... "Go ahead and sit on your left butt-cheek for the next 495 years, bored out of your mind, night after night, and let the money in your bank account slowly creep upwards until you can afford to retire at the age of 84." 
They paint you a picture of how bad your retirement could be.  For example, they might suggest the following scenario...
What if you slip and fall on your kitchen floor, you spill hot boiling coffee all over your skin, you break both hips in the fall, unable to move or call, you're now trapped in your soiled Depends, and since you bought a park membership when you were 33, you are now unable to afford Life Alert.  And to-top-it-all-off you're helplessly lying there starving to death.
Then, once you've gotten their picture, they encourage you to give up all normal living expenses, now, for that HUGE payoff when you retire.     

The Ocean Voyager exhibit tunnel. This image i...However, one of the hardest parts about staying sane in your day-to-day life, now, is to have new and interesting activities you can do with your family.  Sitting on your couch, watching the paint peel off the walls with your kids, is NOT an exciting activity - although most of these financial planners would probably tell you it's a perfectly fine event you can enjoy together.
Image via Wikipedia
So, one of the best uses of your family finances, is to get long-term memberships at local organizations, like zoo's, museums, or parks.  Wisely used, the benefits of membership to these places can easily pay for themselves in fun and entertainment for your entire family.  This fact is no surprise to most parents out there.

What you may not be aware of, is the reciprocal membership benefits you get by owning your membership.  You see... by getting a membership at one organization, you are usually granted reciprocity to other places as well.  Typically this is a free reciprocal exchange. 

Here is a perfect example of what I mean:

Today, is offering a year-long membership to an aquarium in St. Pete, Florida.  One of the main links on their website, is the reciprocal visits calendar.  When you look at the calendar, you can view all of the other parks, museums, gardens, and aquariums you can visit throughout your year long membership. 

You see, by getting a membership to this one aquarium, you are also gaining access to at least 7 other organizations in the surrounding area. That's powerful!  And that's a great way to save money.

Now, couple on top of that the opportunity to use two other cost savings tricks.
  • First:
    Like I mentioned above, you might be able to find a discounted membership to the organization of your choice.  If so... DO IT!
  • Second:
    The other way to save a little more money, is to find out which of the reciprocal locations has the lowest annual membership costs.  And then, purchase the membership for that one.  Usually all of the organizations have the same reciprocal exchanges with all the other parks, so you can get the same access by joining the lowest cost member organization.
    For example, in Oregon we used to purchase memberships to a children's museum in Salem.  That membership also gave us access to other higher-priced parks in the Portland area.  
These last two strategies may not always work.  But they are definitely worth looking into, especially if you want to save money on those memberships.  

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