Frugal Pages


How to earn Swagbucks while working Full-time

Real quick, I wanted to run through how I have been able to use Swagbucks to earn some extra money for our family, even though I only use it a few times during my day at work and a few minutes when I get home at night.

I always thought, you had to be using their web-service for hours and hours throughout the day to earn your bucks.  However, I quickly realized, that you can still earn little bits throughout your day.

Typically, I use search engines at work when I do research on potential new customers, when I am looking up  information about parts, or when I am looking up account information.  Instead of doing all my searches at Google, I now use the Swagbucks search.  It's a small, but effective change.

I use Chrome or Firefox as my favorite browsers at work.  And my corporate policy doesn't allow me to use the Swagbucks toolbar on Firefox, so I  installed the Chrome plug-in.  You can read more about this here.  Essentially, this allows me to just type my search term into the Chrome url address bar, and then it does the search in Swagbucks for me.

Why do this?

Instead of me remembering to go to the Swagbucks website, I can just type my thoughts as I go, and it is built into my work process.

Here are the top strategies I use to get Swag bucks during my work day: 

  • I do searches throughout my day - every time I would have done a normal Google search, instead I use Swagbucks.  In general, you will only get search wins 2-3 times per day, but it slowly builds up over time.  
  • Occasionally, I am able to get the extra Swag codes that they release during the day.  

On top of my work wins, I also build up my Swagbucks at night.  Here are the strategies I use at home.

  • I continue to search when I get home.  This may get me one more search win for the day.
  • I also try and fill out some of the surveys they have on their site.  These are pretty time intensive, so I only do them about once a week - if that.  However, if you do get a survey to pay out, it is usually for quite a few Swagbucks.  
  • In addition, my wife is a couponer, so we print out several coupons from my Swagbucks account, as well as hers.  When we use these coupons, at the grocery store, they will credit 10 bucks into my account.  
  • I always do what my wife calls 'Daily's'.  When you click the 'Earn' tab at the top of the Swagbucks home page, you will see these options:
    Daily Poll
    NOSO - and just skip through all the ads until you get the points at the end
    Special Offers - there are generally a few free things you can do here per day.  In general, I only watch the free videos that give me points.

On average, I am able to get about 20-50 Swagbucks per day.  This isn't a lot.  But every time you get 450 Swagbucks, it equals $5 on Amazon.  And you can purchase almost anything you can think of on Amazon.  This puts me a new $5 addition at Amazon every 10-15 days or so.  
Here is my list of winnings from August 9th through October 31st.  Of course, not everyone will get the same results, but you can see that I have done pretty well in the last two and a half months, adding extra gift-getting money to our account.

So, if you add up my small amount of Swag buck winnings, with the Swagbucks that Christy gathers throughout her day... we can end up with a fair amount of extra Amazon spending money at the end of the year.  And you can do exactly the same thing.

Believe me, in this tight economy, every little bit helps.

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