Frugal Pages


Is for Men?

My wife has been a member at for almost two years now.  In that time she has earned hundreds of dollars in Swag and prizes.  This has been an IMMENSE help to our family budget - both on items we buy for special occassions, and for Christmas gifts we are picking up for our kids.

In fact, the Swagbucks she has earned there, helped us buy a laptop computer, Nintendo DS's for our kids, a whole pile of other goods at Amazon, and maybe some stuff I can't even remember.

Up until now, though, every household was only allowed to have one account.  And the Swagbucks owners are sticklers for keeping their members honest and trustworthy.  So, we didn't want to ruin the good thing we had going there.

However, in August this year, Christy told me that it was now possible to have separate accounts for multiple people in your household.  And so I joined the Swagbucks camp.
You can see here - that I joined on August 9th.

And within the last two months, I've been able to earn an extra $25 for our family.  And, I only use the Swagbucks service occasionally.  So, it's a perfect added money boost for our family.
While I know $25 isn't going to be enough to solve the problems of the entire world... it sure does help out with special gifts and items you might want to pick up for your family.

So, yes men... you can use Swagbucks even if you are working 40 or more hours per week.  Here are my top tips for earning extra swagbucks while working full-time.

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