Frugal Pages


Save Money at Disney - One Tip on Drink Savings

Do you ever feel like most of the places you travel to are money sucking pits?
You know …
You walk down the street in Las Vegas and money magically disappears from your wallet. No, it isn’t pick-pocketed, it’s just gone because you …
  • Rode a taxi  
  • Walked into a casino 
  • Ate a meal 
  • Needed a drink of water 
  • Had to go to the bathroom 
  • Went to see a show
Do you know what I mean? These places are designed to suck money right out of your pocket.
Likewise … many theme parks feel the same way. (For example... Disney) You go to the park hoping to have a fun family outing, only to discover that a single meal for your family is going to run you $50. And if you stay there the entire day, how many meals will you plan on eating that day?

OUCH! It gets spendy … quick!

Now, I know that these exciting trips are few and far between, so it’s vitally important that you enjoy them, and your family has a great time as well. That’s the point of going on a trip like that, to have a great time together. And when you’re blowing your money, like it’s the water you’re drinking, it can be hard to have a good time.

So we came up with a strategy to help you save some money on drinks whenever you visit one of these theme parks. Not because it isn’t worth buying their food, and not because your family doesn’t need the food. On the contrary … if you use this cost-saving strategy you might be able to afford more of the ‘take home’ memorabilia options, rather than use all your money on drinks. This is particularly important in Florida, which is one of the hottest vacation spots in the U.S.  Here, temperatures hover from 90-100 degrees for 6 months out of the year. If you travel in Florida, you MUST drink and stay hydrated. There’s no other way around it.

Here’s how this works:
First - you can do this 2 ways:
Propel flavored water
1. You can buy a couple of bottles of Propel flavored water at any local grocery store
 (this is a drink company owned by Gatorade (TM)) . 
(To be fair, this isn’t like having an icy cold soda to quench your thirst, but it does give you a tasty drink that you can share, as a family, to start your day. And it’s pretty healthy too.) 
2. You can just use your own recycled water bottles and carry them with you, to fill up at your theme park’s water fountains throughout the day.
Unfortunately, depending on where you are in the country, the water flavor can vary greatly. You can go from sparkling cold refreshment … to a sandy, gritty pond scum taste based on where you might be vacationing. We lovingly refer to the tap water in Florida as 'swamp water'. Because that’s about what it tastes like. Water is great to drink when you need it … and this tip alone will save you money. But here’s where this tip gets even better …
Second -
Propel water mix powder packs
The same company (Propel, owned by Gatorade) has also created little individual drink powder packets. These packets come in multiple flavors, like berry, raspberry lemonade, and grape that kids (and adults) love to drink. The packets end up being the perfect size for adding to a 20 oz. bottle of water (which you already brought with you in step 1).

You simply fill up your water bottle with water when it’s empty, and add 1 packet of flavoring to the bottle for a tasty, refreshing drink that didn’t cost an arm and a leg to get.
By spending a couple bucks on a package of these drink packets, you can save yourself $10 or more, depending on how much soda, and other drinks, you might have purchased throughout your day. That’s a simple, but powerful, saving technique you should use the next time you go to any overpriced theme park.

And here’s our bonus tip … We typically buy the bottles of Propel in Step 1, and then we freeze the bottles overnight (lay them on their side in the freezer so they can expand properly). This way the drinks are ice cold just when you need them, after you’ve been walking around the park for an hour or two.
Ahh …
Refreshing! And cheap too.

Another bonus tip... ANY food restaurant in Disney will give you a free cup of ice water if you ask.  Just in case you run out of water later in the day.   Ice water, in the warm Florida heat, is a definite life saver.  Of course they do have drinking fountains at different locations throughout the park.  But, if you come to Florida in the Summer, I can guarantee you will be SO thankful that you read about getting ice water. 

Hope this helps you save, and enjoy your trip even more!

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